1. Water hammer pulse Or corrigan's Or collapsing pulse:- A full volume pulse but rapidly collapsing pulse occuring in aortic regurgitation Or incompetence, where the blood having been forced into the artery by the ventricular contraction, regurgitation back into the ventricular, owing to the non closure of the aortic valve.
2. Bounding pulse:- signifies ans Increased stroke volume as seen in exercise, Anxiety anemia.
3. Pulsus alternans:- the rhythm is regular but the volume has ans alternative strong and weak character.
4.bigeminal pulse:- accompanied by an irregular rhythm in which every other beat comes early. The second Or premature beat feels weak due to Inadequate filling of the ventricules between the two beats.
5. Weak pulse:- a small weak pulse that feels like a wire Or thready on the Palpation of Arteries.
Seen in haemorrhagic shock.
6. Paradoxical pulse:- in this case the force Or strength of the pulse wave varies, feeling weaker when the client takes in a breath.
Anormal Resipration
1. Tachypnoea : increase Resipration rate over 20 breath per minute.
2. Bradypnoea: Decreased Resipration rate less than 10 b/min.
3. Apnoea : total cessation breathing.
4. Hyperpnoea : Increase in the depth of Resipration.
5. Orthopnoea : the client can breath only in ans upright position.
6. Stertorous Resipration: it is noisy breathing. Snoring sound are made by the aur passing through the secretions.
7.stridor: a harsh, vibrating, shrill sound is produced during Resipration as seen in upper airway obstruction.
8.Rale : an abnormal ratting Or bubbling sound caused by mucus in the airway passages.
9.Wheeze: the high pitched, musical whistling sound that occur partial obstruction.
10.Air hunger : a form of dyspnoea in which there are deep sighing Resipration.
11. Sigh: a very deep inspiration followed by a prolonged expiration. Seen in emotional tension.
12.Dyspnoea : difficulty in breathing.
13.cynosis : blueness of the skin due to lack of oxygen.
14. Hypoxia : lack of oxygen in the Tissue.
15. Hypoxaemia: lack of oxygen in the blood.
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